XML with Flash project (organizing/playing songs)

Hello everyone

I have a task. I must make an interface/application with a list of songs, alphabetically sorted by

Genre / Mood. That also gives you the possibility to add more Genres/Moods and it should be easy to browse them.

When a specific Genre/Mood is selected, the corresponding tracks appear, and when a specific track is selected, it should play in a player (see description below), and information about this track should also be displayed.

There should also be a Player included with Start/Pause/Stop buttons. It should be possible to see the full length of that track (time duration). There should be a loading bar and visible progression bar (like on Youtube) and it should be possible to drag in the progress bar to get to the specific point of the track.

Is there a template for this sort of thing? Or how do I make this sort of menu? I guess it is some XML combined with some ActionScript?

I appreciate alot any answer.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards


Here is a picture included with a quick example http://www.toonhaze.com/example.png