XMLList problem

I’m about to go insane because of this error:
#1089: Assignment to lists with more than one item is not supported.

I’m working on a project where user can move objects on the screen & press to a button to save their coordinates and press to another button to do next frame etc… and at the end with a third button it wraps up every frame into one xml…
I’m trying to create something like this :
<frame id=“0”>
<obj id=“1” posx=“100” posy=“200”/>
<obj id=“2” posx=“300” posy=“100”/>
<frame id=“1”>
<obj id=“1” posx=“130” posy=“20”/>
<obj id=“2” posx=“300” posy=“10”/>
etc etc…

so to create this i’m doing something like this one

public function writeFrames() {
			frameTag.@id = frameCounter;
			framer += frameTag;
for (var i=0; i<currentFrameArray.length; i++) {
framer.frameTag += <word name= {currentFrameArray*.nameTag} posX={currentFrameArray*.x} posY={currentFrameArray*.y} /> }

when I run this it works for the first frame and traces this:

<frame id=“0”>
<word name=“9” posX="-25" posY="-25"/>
<word name=“8” posX="-52" posY=“27”/>
but when I try to do the same thing to write second frame data I get this:

TypeError: Error #1089: Assignment to lists with more than one item is not supported.

I’m not a as3 master or something but I’ve been finding my way around quite fine until this thing.
I was thinking creation of the XML was the easiest part but I was ■■■■ wrong…
any help will be greatly appericiated…
