I am having a problem with XMLSocket data sending and loading. I want to create a game like chess: two players connected, when one of them takes his move, other can see it on the screen. So I wrote the script (“circle” is a piece):
mySocket = new XMLSocket();
XMLSocket.prototype.onData = function() {
circleBPositionX.text = bX - 25;
circleBPositionY.text = bY - 25;
circlePositionX.text = X - 25;
circlePositionY.text = Y - 25;
circle._x = X - 25; trace("x: " +circle._x);
circle._y = Y - 25; trace("y: " +circle._y);
createEmptyMovieClip("traceRoute", 0);
traceRoute.moveTo(bX, bY);
traceRoute.lineStyle(3, 0xff0000);
traceRoute.lineTo(X, Y);
circle.onRelease = function() {
bX = _root.circle.bX;
bY = _root.circle.bY;
X = _root.circle.X;
Y = _root.circle.Y;
//mssg = bX+ "
" +bY+ "
" +X+ "
" +Y+ "
mySocket.send(bX, bY, X, Y, mess);
mySocket.connect(“”, 9999);
The problem is when one player drags the circle, the other can see circle`s position as “undefined” (while "trace(“x: " +circle._x)” and "trace(“x: " +circle._y)” returns correct data).
I am using PHP socket server; same as the one in kirupa.com tutorial (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash8/php5sockets_flash8.htm).
Can anyone help me?