XMLsocket onData problems

I can’t seem to figure this out. I’ve read about the scoping problems. I’ve seen senocular’s tutorial even. However, I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with this implementation.
*Note: I don’t use XML, so I prototyped the onData to get rid of the XML parsing part.

If you could help me fix this I would be very grateful. I’ve been looking at it and testing it for like two days now.

class NetworkingManager {
    public var mySocket:XMLSocket;
    function NetworkingManager() {
        //variable to access this while inside an event
        var nmObj:NetworkingManager = this;
        this.mySocket = new XMLSocket();
        this.mySocket.connect("localhost", 3333);
        this.mySocket.onConnect = function(success) {
            if (success) {
                trace("Server connection established!");
            } else {
                trace("Server connection failed!");
            nmObj.printData("HERE IN THE ON CONNECT")
        this.mySocket.onClose = function() {
            trace("Server connection lost");
        this.mySocket.prototype.onData = function(msg:String):Void  {
    public function Ping():Void {
    public function printData(msg:String):Void {
        trace("DATA: "+msg);