Hi, first of all I wasn’t sure where to post this… So move it of some other location is more proper…
Anyway, I just read the latest Computer arts projects (the one with 100 rules of graphic design) and at the last page I saw this add:
Xtivity (www.tivity.com) - (quoted literally) Xtivity is a web design program that lets you add motion, streaming video, audio, animation and interactive graphics to a web site.
They say you can just click and do without knowing action code to make such websites. I guess php integrations is like totally impossible? I think you miss a lot of the power of actionscripting (allthough I’m still a big noob with flash, these are just assumptions).
Anyway, I wondered if anyone has experience with this. I just downloaded the trial and haven’t really checked out the showcase on tivity.com Need some sleep first