Xx posts since your last visit?

Any chance of having such a link in a easily accessible spot?

… just curious :beer2:

“New Posts” in the header navigation… ?


Luckily we now have the perfect smiley for this occasion.


:lol: This would be a nice feature, but I don’t think it’s that necessary.


Luckily we now have the perfect smiley for this occasion.

:hang:[/QUOTE]Looks more like a snorkel than a rope.

[QUOTE=TheCanadian;2377281]When you say you love boys, is that in the good way or the creepy way?[/QUOTE]

haha wtf ? Where did that come from? :smiley:

oh wait was there a spampost in between that got killed? Or do Canadians do mushrooms on weekdays? :cowboy:

[QUOTE=sekasi;2377592]haha wtf ? Where did that come from? :smiley:

oh wait was there a spampost in between that got killed? Or do Canadians do mushrooms on weekdays? :cowboy:[/QUOTE]
Yeah senocular made me look like a fool, but that’s okay. The mushrooms didn’t help much either though :run: