Yay! I i made a computer progrem


well yes it is true i have invented a small applacation that you can choose to listen to 1 of 3 of my music songs i have created. i have also done some really funnythings to make this work good

  1. its windowless so its just the applacation and no crome.
    2.ALL icons in everyshape to the exe are pictures of Hilary Duff
  2. i made it so u must press play 2 times (2 clicks lol) or stop 2 times for the bottons to work.
  3. i added a very nice lil message “hilary duff is hot”
  4. it does not show on the taskbar
    6.it shows in the systray as a small picture of hilary duff’s eye
    7.the only way to close the prog is to click CTRL+m or press ESC
    8.if u have other things open and happend to let it go to the bottom just click on hilary duff’s eye in yer systey to SEE the applacation. lol
    9.its 3MB yet it there is the applacation and 3 songs. wow lol
    10.if you wanna have fun just play one song becuzz the songs loop 100 times. BUT REMEMBER there is a stop botton. :slight_smile:

so there is my prog. very small very sleek very unuseful


edit: its draggble lol meaning u can move it to the music if ya want :pleased: