Yet another 3d software thread

Ok, i nknow theres already been two or three threads posted asking about this, but i have been curious for a while now. Im going to get a 3d package of some sort soon. Which i sthe easiest one to pick up and learn? I have no 3d experiance before me (swift and autocad don’t really count as far as im concerned). I have looked into numerous packages and these three interest me most:

Blender, it is cheap and looks fun.
Lightwave: looks powerfull, fun and seems to offer easier animation.
Cinema 4d: This looks the easiest to learn and use. (and seems to have some great plugins)

I shall mainly use the 3d package for my still artwork, I’m not really aiming for animation, although I may wish to experiment in that field.

Any comments/suggestions?

I dont think anybody has used all those software to tell you which ones easier to learn… :stuck_out_tongue:
u could get student ver. of max for < AUS $100 or something
and I didnt find max that hard to get started :slight_smile:

If I’m not mistaken, isn’t Blender free? If so then that’s probably what you should go with.

Lightwave is way too expensive for someone who’s just going to make wallpapers.

C4D is cheaper than lightwave, but still expensive for someone who’s just experimenting.

I suggest starting out with Blender to get some 3D experience under your belt and if you feel that you’re ready for something more powerful then get another 3D program.

I’ve never used Blender before, but if it’s free then I would definitely check it out.

Pov Ray is anotehr free 3d software :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**I suggest starting out with Blender to get some 3D experience under your belt and if you feel that you’re ready for something more powerful then get another 3D program.

I’ve never used Blender before, but if it’s free then I would definitely check it out. **

heh thanks. your comments about price are very true! Do’H! (to be honest, i wasn’t initially gonna get the software legally anyway anyway - only when i was confident at using and could justify buying it) I didn’t realise blender was free, i will go check it out now. Cheers!

Kei: i will also check out that software - thanks!

You could always try Maya and its Free Learning version. I’m pretty sure Maya 5 personal learning edition is out now as well.

Its Free but has a terrible watermark in your work area and renders, but its a full working version of Maya complete and its a great program to learn from.


*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**heh thanks. your comments about price are very true! Do’H! (to be honest, i wasn’t initially gonna get the software legally anyway anyway - only when i was confident at using and could justify buying it) I didn’t realise blender was free, i will go check it out now. Cheers!

Kei: i will also check out that software - thanks! **

why would you buy it if you already have it? lol

oooh, nice soulty. i will look at that :slight_smile:

Mr 2sixty: If i am getting good use out of software, then i feel obliged to buy it. Then again, if i dont get good use out of the software, then i will keep the pirate version. Eg: had PSP and Photoshop on pirate. No-longer have PSP, but have legal copy of Photoshop because i found it the most usefull. Personally i dont feel there is any problem using pirate software, provided:[list][]A) i am not making heaps of money from using the software[]B)Piracy does not cause the company who produced the software to go into negative profit.[/list] Thats just my point of view anyway.