Yet another EventDispatcher puzzle

I have two .as classes. FaqList, and FaqRow.

Here’s a piece of FaqRow that’s of the essence:

import mx.utils.Delegate;

class FaqRow extends MovieClip {
    //vis components 
    private var questionMC:MovieClip;
    private var answerMC:MovieClip;

    private var dispatchEvent:Function;
    public var addEventListener:Function;
    public var removeEventListener:Function;
    public static var QUESTION_RELEASED:String = "QUESTION_RELEASED";
    public function FaqRow() {;
    public function onLoad(Void):Void {
        questionMC.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, rowReleased);
    private function rowReleased(Void):Void {

Should be self-explanatory enough… my FaqList adds instances of FaqRow to the stage, then I try

//inside some other method
someRow.addEventListener(FaqRow.QUESTION_RELEASED, Delegate.create(this, rowReleased));

private function rowReleased(obj:Object):Void {

And wouldn’t you know - I don’t get the trace from FaqList… no errors or anything like that… just fails in that AS2-signature silent way.

I’m 99% sure it’s some silly error that I’m making, I’ve been trying to find it. Reading about EventListeners… can’t figure it out. Maybe someone here with a fresh look on it?