Just a new barebones box - no monitor or peripherals.
Here’s the proposed list:
$269 - Intel Core 2 Duo E6300
$199 - Intel P965LTCK mobo
$278 - 2gb generic 533MHz DDR2 RAM (2x 1gb)
…and some other generic yum-cha stuff like PSU, case, optical drives, etc, that you wouldn’t care about. I’ll be using my existing Geforce 6600GT.
Comes to around $1300 all up. That’s after I did everything I could to bump the price down as much as possible.
So… questions:
- See any obvious problems with the combinations? Known issues with X motherboard and Y CPU? Since Core 2 Duo is pretty young technology.
- CPU Cooler. I want something QUIET and around $40-$60. I’m thinking Zalman CNPS7700-AlCu. What say you?
btw, I am NOT overclocking =)