[quote=randomagain;2340070]if you search you might find examples which disable the activex control thingy
I assume you mean the thing which causes you to click the website to enable the website thing[/quote]
Yeh thats pretty much what i’m trying to do but I have been looking all over the place on several good tute sites and forums but no clear answer thats why my post is called you cant answer this because no one seems to be able to.
If you can point me towards any good reading material it would be much appreciated.
There’s no reason why you can’t load external movies simply because you’ve switched to using flashObject. It’s more likely that the paths to your external files are wrong in the parent SWF or that you’re trying to view it in a later version of the player. This link might help: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=kb403183
You might also want to consider using SWFObject as it’s more up-to-date than flashObject: