You can't duplicate twice? oops, there goes my menu!


i am (was) trying to make a xml driven menu. i am using duplicateMovieClip to duplicate a movieclip inside which there is a textfield which gets filled with a title from an array that is loaded from the xml.

that’s all fine. But then i wanted some of these buttons (when pressed) to populate additional submenus using another function using duplicateMovieClip. uh oh, the second i clcik my top buttons, the submenu gets filled, but the top menu disappears!

what do i do?

here’s the code so far

//load XML 
function loadXML(loaded) {
	if (loaded) {
		xmlNode = this.firstChild;
		topNavNames = [];
		subNavTrue = [];
		nav00 = [];
		total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
		for (t=0; t<total; t++) {
			topNavNames[t] = xmlNode.childNodes[t].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
			subNavTrue[t] = xmlNode.childNodes[t].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
			nav00[t] = xmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[2].childNodes[t].firstChild.nodeValue;
		//populate top menu
	} else {
		content = "file not loaded!";
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
testButton._visible = 0;
function loadMenu() {
	for (i=0; i<topNavNames.length; i++) {
		gap = 8;
		testButton.duplicateMovieClip("topButt"+i, i);
		this["topButt"+i].buttName = topNavNames[this.i];
		this["topButt"+i].buttNameBox.autoSize = "left";
		this["topButt"+i]._width = this["topButt"+i].buttNameBox._width;
		if (i>0) {
			this["topButt"+i]._x = this["topButt"+(i-1)]._x+this["topButt"+(i-1)]._width+gap;
			//button actions
		this["topButt"+i].i = i;
		this["topButt"+i].onPress = function() {
			if (subNavTrue[this.i] == "1") {
				trace("we need a sub-nav");
			} else {
				trace("no sub needed");
subNavButton._visible = 0;
function loadSubMenu(navNum) {
	activeSub = "nav0"+navNum;
	maxSubs = 10;
	for (y=0; y<maxSubs; y++) {
		var gap = 8;
		subNavButton.duplicateMovieClip("subButt"+y, y);
		this["subButt"+y].subbuttName = nav00[this.y];
		this["subButt"+y].subbuttNameBox.autoSize = "left";
		this["subButt"+y]._width = this["subButt"+y].subbuttNameBox._width;
		if (y>0) {
			this["subButt"+y]._x = this["subButt"+(y-1)]._x+this["subButt"+(y-1)]._width+gap;
			//button actions

so is it true that you can only use 1 instance of duplicatemovieclip?

any help is as always greatly appreciated.
