Your experience with the integrated Tween class

I started learning Flash when Flash MX came out.

I recently got back into it, using Flash 8 now. So the Tween class was fairly new and exciting to me, and I’ve been using it recently.

It’s quick and easy, and what I like most about it is the onMotionFinished function. Very handy.

However, I’ve been using it for single items, and recently I wrote a little function where some words drop down, and when they arrive at their random destination they check each other for distance, 12 of them. If one’s proximity is too close to another, it loads up the tween function again and finds another random destination, and does so until it finds a space far enough from it’s siblings.

Now when using the built in Tween class, it gets absolutely overloaded and crashes my Core Duo if all the words don’t find spaces soon, and have to do multiple checks.

I was very, very surprised, it didn’t seem like anything that hardcore, that should crash my computer.

So I then used a basic, lightweight tween that I wrote, and voila - no problem at all. Didn’t even come close to crashing, in fact the CPU usage was fairly low.

So im summary - it’s pretty good and handy for tweening single objects, but if you have something more complex in mind it’s absolutely useless.

My question is why though? I mean they write the program, sure they could have engineered the tween class better and made it more efficient and less of a CPU hog?

What are you experiences? :slight_smile: