I was just thinkin it might be fun or not so fun to see everyones progression of footers over their membership…
here’s mine… if they don’t load… your connection sucks and just wait…
[]The first one i had was really dumb and simple… i lost it… but it was just some noobie tweens and a swift model of my ich.bin.ubermensch character…
[]this one was when i thought ha… that i was make a puzzle game…the bkg was supposed to be blue… but VB chaged all that.
[swf=http://jlcjr1104.nextelbroadband.net/vexed_banner.swf]height=60 width = 300[/swf]
[*]When i first joined the nintendo cult and was making all those dumb smileys… i made this
[swf=http://jlcjr1104.nextelbroadband.net/NES-footer.swf]height=60 width = 300[/swf]
[]this one was made on a wild hair and eventually sparked my new color scheme and my new port name
[swf=http://jlcjr1104.nextelbroadband.net/razorblade-footer.swf]height=60 width = 300[/swf]
[] Fast forward to now… i made two footers to go on my new sig… and you can change and pick which ever one you wanna see.
this one will take the longest to load…
[swf=http://jlcjr1104.nextelbroadband.net/ff-footer.swf]height=60 width = 300[/swf]
[swf=http://jlcjr1104.nextelbroadband.net/[color=black]ATHF.swf[/color]]height=60 width=300[/swf]
and the frontend you see now…
[swf=http://jlcjr1104.nextelbroadband.net/footer-splash.swf]height=60 width = 300[/swf]