Your House

okay, and that was July… imagine what November is like… lets not forget freezing rain in January…

just curious, are you sure you can see California from your house? I mean it is 400 miles away… isn’t there a mountain range between you & the border, or are the mountains you see the peaks of, those in the Lassen area?


heres my crappy little backyard.
(copy paste URL)
it sucks

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**okay, and that was July… imagine what November is like… lets not forget freezing rain in January…

just curious, are you sure you can see California from your house? I mean it is 400 miles away… isn’t there a mountain range between you & the border, or are the mountains you see the peaks of, those in the Lassen area?

Rev **

I meant more in the direction of California. I’ve never taken the time to see if I could really make out Mt. Shasta.

Parents house atm: semi-detached, 5 bedrooms… lots of other rooms… and lots of stairs :slight_smile: (photos when the sun comes back up ;))

Of course, soon I’m moving to my uni house: detached, 5 bedrooms (mine’s double-sized :beam::thumb::)). With… I dunno… some toilets or something :wink: (photos when I actually see it ;))

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**You like 9 months of rain/year? you get summer in 3 day spurts…

I grew up/rusted up there… **

Nothing wrong with rain :love:

you say that now…

the highest rate of suicide is the Pacific Northwest… due to the depressively lack of sunshine…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**you say that now…

the highest rate of suicide is the Pacific Northwest… due to the depressively lack of sunshine…

Rev **

lol :sure:

Well with the amount of rain we have been getting here in Philly and down in Maryland I think it is probably the same as in OR :evil: (seriously it rained almost every friggin day here this summer… accasionally we would get a few days off though)

that’s why it was so dry in Portland this year… you guys in Philly hogged all the rain…

You seriously don’t realize how depressing it is, until you live in an overcast/drizzle/rain cycle most of the year…

It’s very green tho.


Wow, people complaining about rain. We had over 30 tornados in a 3 week period here. That’s a bit worse than a little bit of rain. Water doesn’t kill you, wind that picks up your house and throws you 2 miles off does kill you.

Parent’s detached house, 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, semi-finished basement with a half bathroom.

hey Rev. do you by any chance live in Pacifica? cuz thats where my aunt lives.

South Philly - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, hole in the wall in the hallway from an epic battle between me and my brother, brownish color carpet from the 60s, and a musty old basement.

This house is falling apart, * luckily I’m moving into a dorm with 6 other guys tomorrow! Wooo!! * That should be interesting to say the least.

key: (sarcastic)

*Originally posted by Vepr *
**hey Rev. do you by any chance live in Pacifica? cuz thats where my aunt lives. **


I’m in Downtown San Francisco, just a few blocks off Union Square, in the heart of the “TenderKnob” , or “Theater District.”

@ the corner of Crack St. and Transvestite Hooker Blvd…


@ the corner of Crack St. and Transvestite Hooker Blvd…


1 bathroom
1 office
1 living room
1 kitchen
3 bedrooms
5 closets

2 floors (1st and bacement)

“yadda yadda yadda”


my house:

6 bedrooms, 4 baths (full), 1 olympic sized pool, 1.25 acres of land, 3.5 stories, x closets, 2 kitchens (1 main, 1 mini), 2 attics, basketball hoop, pond, etc…

my apartment/summer house:

4 bedroom, 2 baths, 1 kitchen, 1 patio

that’s fair

Thor, my love, may I have a million dollars?

5 bedrooms + 1 theater room used as a bedroom for my grandma
2 kitchens
4 full baths, two halves
2 stories + basement

*Originally posted by Vepr *
**lol **

you think I joke about this?

give me 2 mins. and I can get either for you. Which one you want?


Aren’t you married rev? And you live on “Transvestite Hooker Blvd”. Just a question Rev, where did you and the mrs. meet?