okay, and that was July… imagine what November is like… lets not forget freezing rain in January…
just curious, are you sure you can see California from your house? I mean it is 400 miles away… isn’t there a mountain range between you & the border, or are the mountains you see the peaks of, those in the Lassen area?
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**okay, and that was July… imagine what November is like… lets not forget freezing rain in January…
just curious, are you sure you can see California from your house? I mean it is 400 miles away… isn’t there a mountain range between you & the border, or are the mountains you see the peaks of, those in the Lassen area?
Rev **
I meant more in the direction of California. I’ve never taken the time to see if I could really make out Mt. Shasta.
Parents house atm: semi-detached, 5 bedrooms… lots of other rooms… and lots of stairs (photos when the sun comes back up ;))
Of course, soon I’m moving to my uni house: detached, 5 bedrooms (mine’s double-sized :beam::thumb::)). With… I dunno… some toilets or something (photos when I actually see it ;))
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**you say that now…
the highest rate of suicide is the Pacific Northwest… due to the depressively lack of sunshine…
Rev **
lol :sure:
Well with the amount of rain we have been getting here in Philly and down in Maryland I think it is probably the same as in OR (seriously it rained almost every friggin day here this summer… accasionally we would get a few days off though)
Wow, people complaining about rain. We had over 30 tornados in a 3 week period here. That’s a bit worse than a little bit of rain. Water doesn’t kill you, wind that picks up your house and throws you 2 miles off does kill you.
South Philly - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, hole in the wall in the hallway from an epic battle between me and my brother, brownish color carpet from the 60s, and a musty old basement.
This house is falling apart, * luckily I’m moving into a dorm with 6 other guys tomorrow! Wooo!! * That should be interesting to say the least.