Kirupa Crib Part Deux

I got the digital camera out and came up with this little collage. It’s most of the rooms in my house. I’m in the middle of decorating at the moment, so it’s all a bit of a mess… This is the stuff that’s OK to show. :slight_smile:

In fact, I got carried away and made another one, only this time of myself. Aren’t I vain? :slight_smile:

Don’t ask about the pigtails. I’m not really sure myself… :sigh:

nice! i want a digicamera too! Or at least a webcam!

Nice place Kit. Much better than mine… :stuck_out_tongue:

Who’s the Kentucky Sippin’ Whiskey fan? I see that the bottle of Jack Black on the coffee table is there both before & after the game? or is that a new bottle… a permanent fixture on the table, maybe?

Just Kidding. Thanks for the photos, even the pigtails are cute…

Oh, and in SF, most apts are way too small to have a washing machine in them (mine is quite large @ 700sq ft, most are around 400 sq ft), so most people go to a laundry-mat with coin machines. Personally, I have a wash and fold just next door, and for $.65/lb I get mine done for me… My one true luxury.

again, nice home…


very nice place. i gotta take mine. but my office is a mess…and thats like the only room i go into, well maybe my XBOX too…i donno i will get around to it

wow - very nice place :slight_smile: Looks like something out of an Ikea Cataloge!

All the pictures of your place are great rez - but the ones of you arent… not very fair :slight_smile:

Rev i wanted to knwo the same thing…

Yay its Kit :stuck_out_tongue: Very nice house!

Theres no proper head pic tho :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

nice house :slight_smile: nice TV
but the england game was a dissapointed one :frowning:
c’mon owen could have done better than that… and I don’t know why sven kept on using heskey, use rooney instead :frowning:

nic pigtails tho :slight_smile:

I think you are looking at the room wrong… that is not the head board, that is simply the wall below a window… I would offer a bet that the head of the bed is actually to the right…


yeah thats what i think too rev

Nice flat you’re got there. It looks quite big by the way. Aren’t you living in London?

i think she said just outside…but i could be wrong

she lives in southern-something as far as i can remember :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Did anyone else notice that Kiti’s bedroom has an unexplainable anomoly?

Look carephully and see if you spot it yourself—And Im not speaking of the 1970’s decorations and colors she has in there;

Look at the TV, and how it is placed as well as where…It makes absolutely no sense as you cannot sit in bed and watch TV UNLESS your a shapeshiphter or Rubberman phrom the phantastic 4— :phil:

This intrigued me about Kiti’s bedroom— :sigh:

still studying this with my magnifying glass–

pj :wink: **

I THINK the head of the bed is to the right, and not to the back as the sheets seem to indicate. That makes more sense (plus there arent any pillows to the back, and we cant see the right, where I presume them to be)


*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**In fact, I got carried away and made another one, only this time of myself. Aren’t I vain? :slight_smile:

Don’t ask about the pigtails. I’m not really sure myself… :sigh: **

And yes, look at all that vanity :!: As Soul said, theres no real decent head shot, but someone wants us to know that someone has a mighty fine physique

nice kit :wink:

Kit, Kit, Kit… I love your place.

I love your drawings.

Can we talk about focus on a camera? hahahah… Just kidding.

Im gonna have to send you my email address so you can grace me personally with an infocus image of one of my friends. :slight_smile:

I’ll grab my camera and I wont even clean up.

mine are coming up next.

senocular, <i>someone</i> wants <i>someone</i> to know that another <i>someone</i> is probably gonna get that.

But your innuendo is coming along very well!

I like the smiley you picked Sen!