Hi there, just registered to this forum so I’m NEW.
I have, however, used this forum for information and learnt from the tutorials. Good content!
Anyways, I have a question about debugging a movie—in particular, where and how you guys set breakpoints.
The reason why I’m inquiring about this is because I find it very inefficient to debug. I have to basically set breakpoints in every line of ActionScript to have it traverse through the lines of code.
I come from a VB background and in the debug mode in Visual Studio or any VBA IDE, it halts itself to even step through calling functions within another function or routine.
In Flash it doesn’t do this. In order for me to traverse through the steps of any calls or line of ActionScript, I have to place breakpoints where I want to be able to step through.
Am I missing something? :h:
I’d appreciate anyone enlightening me on how debug more effectiviely. After all, its the most effective way of learning ActionScript.
Thanks in advance for your comments.