I just got gamecube this Saturday,(which is awesome), but I am stuck on a game in “The Legend Of Zelda Collector’s Edition.” The game is Ocarina of Time. If anyone has ever played this game or knows of a walkthrough online, please post it here. Thanks!
*Originally posted by junahu *
**I’ve played it. 4 times. And my friend played it 8 times. N64 and gamecube versions. Ocarina and master quest. So are you stuck on anything? If it’s the water temple then I can definately help. Doesn’t mean I don’t know the rest of the game though. **
Im way past the water temple. I’m at the part where I have to face Ganon. The only trouble I’m having is getting a type of sword (I forgot the name).
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Well back to topic…
Zelda Rocks - amazing disk. I already had a GC so I had to order Nintendo Power to get that disk… only cost me like 25 bucks, well worth it **
I want it really bad, but don’t want to subscribe to Nintendo Power… But its still cheaper than trying to buy it on ebay…
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Well back to topic…
Zelda Rocks - amazing disk. I already had a GC so I had to order Nintendo Power to get that disk… only cost me like 25 bucks, well worth it **
me too
and they’re going on ebay for $50
it’s like getting a free magazine substribtion and an extra $25
the Ocarina of Time is a great game!
Zelda games have always been my favorite.
^^ Sounds like a good Get Rich Quick Scheme ^^
Buy a hundred magazine subscriptions, and sell all the games online, have 100 magazines left over and 2500 bucks
EDIT: And Oh yeah, a link for you www.gamesages.com
(i haven’t used it in a while [not since the days of sega genesis] but as i checked it out again, it seems they have switched over to a pay site… When i signed up, all you had to do was visit a few of their sponsors’ sites… [maybe they still do that i dono im confused now…])
yeah i just did that but the cheapest I could find it for was $35… I might just go mention to them that I can get it and a subscription to Nintendo Power for $25 and maybe they will give me it to me for $25…