Zendamf and zamfbrowser errors


I’m having some difficulties getting zamfbrowser to work. I’m running wamp to simulate a server locally. Whenever I try to to load a server I get the following error:

There was an error loading the server's info.  Error: (mx.rpc.events::FaultEvent)#0
  bubbles = false
  cancelable = true
  currentTarget = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::RemoteObject)#1
    channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#2
      authenticated = false
      channelIds = (Array)#3
        [0] (null)
      channels = (Array)#4
        [0] (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
          authenticated = false
          channelSets = (Array)#6
          connected = false
          connectTimeout = -1
          enableSmallMessages = true
          endpoint = "http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php"
          failoverURIs = (Array)#7
          id = (null)
          mpiEnabled = false
          netConnection = (flash.net::NetConnection)#8
            client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
            connected = false
            maxPeerConnections = 8
            objectEncoding = 3
            proxyType = "none"
            uri = "http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php"
          piggybackingEnabled = false
          polling = false
          pollingEnabled = true
          pollingInterval = 3000
          protocol = "http"
          reconnecting = false
          recordMessageSizes = false
          recordMessageTimes = false
          requestTimeout = -1
          uri = "http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php"
          url = "http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php"
          useSmallMessages = false
      clustered = false
      connected = false
      currentChannel = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
      heartbeatInterval = 0
      initialDestinationId = (null)
      messageAgents = (Array)#9
        [0] (mx.rpc::AsyncRequest)#10
          authenticated = false
          autoConnect = true
          channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#2
          clientId = (null)
          connected = false
          defaultHeaders = (null)
          destination = "AMF"
          id = "328E178B-3CB8-840A-2E11-390CB69C8174"
          priority = -1
          reconnectAttempts = 0
          reconnectInterval = 0
          requestTimeout = -1
          subtopic = ""
    concurrency = "multiple"
    convertParametersHandler = (null)
    convertResultHandler = (null)
    destination = "AMF"
    endpoint = "http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php"
    getServices = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::Operation)#11
      argumentNames = (Array)#12
      arguments = (Object)#13
      concurrency = "multiple"
      lastResult = (null)
      makeObjectsBindable = true
      name = "getServices"
      operationManager = (null)
      properties = (null)
      resultElementType = (null)
      resultType = (null)
      service = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::RemoteObject)#1
      showBusyCursor = true
    makeObjectsBindable = true
    managers = (null)
    operations = (Object)#14
      getServices = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::Operation)#11
    requestTimeout = -1
    showBusyCursor = true
    source = "ZendAmfServiceBrowser"
  eventPhase = 2
  fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#15
    content = (Object)#16
    errorID = 0
    faultCode = "Client.Error.MessageSend"
    faultDetail = "Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: : url: 'http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php'"
    faultString = "Send failed"
    message = "faultCode:Client.Error.MessageSend faultString:'Send failed' faultDetail:'Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: : url: 'http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php''"
    name = "Error"
    rootCause = (mx.messaging.events::ChannelFaultEvent)#17
      bubbles = false
      cancelable = false
      channel = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
      channelId = (null)
      connected = false
      currentTarget = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
      eventPhase = 2
      faultCode = "Channel.Connect.Failed"
      faultDetail = "NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: : url: 'http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php'"
      faultString = "error"
      reconnecting = false
      rejected = false
      rootCause = (Object)#18
        code = "NetConnection.Call.BadVersion"
        description = ""
        details = ""
        level = "error"
      target = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
      type = "channelFault"
  headers = (null)
  message = (mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#19
    body = (Object)#16
    clientId = (null)
    correlationId = "2333034F-529D-D4FA-5CBE-390CB6D386BF"
    destination = ""
    extendedData = (null)
    faultCode = "Client.Error.MessageSend"
    faultDetail = "Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: : url: 'http://localhost/codecreators/bootstrap.php'"
    faultString = "Send failed"
    headers = (Object)#20
    messageId = "7BBE1685-5ADD-3D15-A57A-390CC1A81AD1"
    rootCause = (mx.messaging.events::ChannelFaultEvent)#17
    timestamp = 0
    timeToLive = 0
  messageId = "7BBE1685-5ADD-3D15-A57A-390CC1A81AD1"
  statusCode = 0
  target = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::RemoteObject)#1
  token = (mx.rpc::AsyncToken)#21
    message = (mx.messaging.messages::RemotingMessage)#22
      body = (Array)#23
      clientId = (null)
      destination = ""
      headers = (Object)#24
      messageId = "2333034F-529D-D4FA-5CBE-390CB6D386BF"
      operation = "getServices"
      source = "ZendAmfServiceBrowser"
      timestamp = 0
      timeToLive = 0
    responders = (null)
    result = (null)
  type = "fault"

Any help would greatly be appreciated since I have no idea how to solve this and googeling has brought no help aswell.

I also just cannot get zendamf to work on a server. It works perfectly on my local machine using wamp. But whenever I try it on a server I keep getting errors that the path towards the framework folder cannot be found.

I’m using the following code:


ini_set("display_errors", "on");

ini_set("include_path" , ini_get("include_path") . ":.../frameworks");

require_once 'frameworks/Zend/Amf/Server.php';
//require_once 'Recensies.php';
//require_once 'Gebruikers.php';
//require_once 'Trailers.php';
//require_once 'Comments.php';

$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();

// Require the ZendAmfServiceBrowser class
require_once( "frameworks\Zend\browser\ZendAmfServiceBrowser.php" );

// Add the ZamfBrowser service class so ZamfBrowser can retrieve method information.
//$server->setClass( "ZendAmfServiceBrowser" );
// Set a reference to the Zend_Amf_Server object so ZendAmfServiceBrowser class can retrieve method information.
//ZendAmfServiceBrowser::$ZEND_AMF_SERVER = $server;



folder setup is as followed:

  • frameworks
  • public
  • websites
  • website
  • application path

Thanks in advance