:stunned: hi i have a question~!
I don’t know if this is action script or whatever… but dose any one know how to zoom in an image the same size and move… for example, www.eminem.com on the site menu. Another example, www.dbsound.com in the intro part. Thank you.
Justin Burrell
[email protected]
masks and motion tweens, my friend. I’ve attached an example for download.
create a new movie-clip for your image, then either import the image or draw one.
create another clip for the animation make motion tweens which scale your image up and move it about.
on your main timeline place an instance of the animation clip.
create a new layer and on this draw a filled rectangle imagine this as a window which allows you to see this part of the animation underneath.
now right-click on the layer containing your rectangle and select mask.
check the attached example and let me know if you need more help.
oops, forgot attachment. here ya go.
Thank you very much.
i would like to make it like the zoom in tools in photoshop, when the mouse pointer place in the position of the image , then zoom in that part, how? any help or recommended website is appreciate.thanks.