Zoom in on a draggable mc [AS3]


I’m struggling for days now on the following problem: I’ve got a draggable mc which is partially shown through a mask. In the original format only horizontal dragging is possible. Now I want to create a zoomfunction on the draggable mc where the drag boundaries are ‘automatically’ adjusted so vertical and horizontal while zoomed in is available.

De drag boundaries in the original format are set by a rectangle like this:

var lBound:Number= -1490;
var tBound:Number= 155;
var rBound:Number= 1700;
var boundsRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(lBound,tBound,rBound,0);

dragObject.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseHold);
dragObject.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleased);

function mouseHold(event:MouseEvent):void {
dragObject.startDrag(false, boundsRect);

function mouseReleased(event:MouseEvent):void {

First things first, how can I adjust the drag boundries when the X and Y scale of the mc changes? Zooming is done like this:

var zCounter:Number= 0;
var xNeutral:Number = dragObject.scaleX;
var yNeutral:Number = dragObject.scaleY;

plus.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, zoomIN);

min.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, zoomOUT);

function zoomIN(event:MouseEvent) {
if(zCounter < 5) {
zCounter += 1;
// steps of 20% of the original size
dragObject.scaleX += xNeutral* 0.2;
dragObject.scaleY += yNeutral* 0.2;
dragObject.x -= 125;
dragObject.y -= 75;

function zoomOUT(event:MouseEvent) {
if((zCounter < 6) && (zCounter > 0)) {
zCounter -= 1;

    dragObject.scaleX -= xNeutral* 0.2;
    dragObject.scaleY -= yNeutral* 0.2;
    dragObject.x += 125;
    dragObject.y += 75;


An idea anyone? Thanks in advace for your reply