Zoom in & out script problemo

Good day!

I have this zoom in & out button and a reset button.

The zooming function works fine, problem occurs when I click the reset button the zoom in won’t work.

here’s the scrpit that i just got from a source;


on (release, keyPress “<PageUp>”) {
if (Number(curZoom)<Number(maxZoom)) {
curZoom = Number(curZoom)+1;
if (Number(curZoom) == 3) {
setProperty("/map", _x, Number(getProperty("/map", _x))+Number((curxScroll*(Number(curZoom)+1))));
setProperty("/map", _y, Number(getProperty("/map", _y))+Number((curyScroll*(Number(curZoom)+1))));
} else {
setProperty("/map", _x, Number(getProperty("/map", _x))+Number((curxScrollcurZoom)));
setProperty("/map", _y, Number(getProperty("/map", _y))+Number((curyScroll
setProperty("/map", _yscale, getProperty("/map", _yscale)*2);
setProperty("/map", _xscale, getProperty("/map", _xscale)*2);

zoom out

on (release, keyPress “<PageDown>”) {
if (Number(curZoom)>0) {
curZoom = curZoom-1;
if (Number(curZoom) == 0) {
setProperty("/map", _x, getProperty("/map", _x)-curxScroll);
setProperty("/map", _y, getProperty("/map", _y)-curyScroll);
} else if (Number(curZoom) == 1) {
setProperty("/map", _x, getProperty("/map", _x)-curxScroll2);
setProperty("/map", _y, getProperty("/map", _y)-curyScroll
if (Number(curZoom) == 2) {
setProperty("/map", _x, getProperty("/map", _x)-curxScroll4);
setProperty("/map", _y, getProperty("/map", _y)-curyScroll
testbox = getProperty("/map", _x);
setProperty("/map", _xscale, getProperty("/map", _xscale)/2);
setProperty("/map", _yscale, getProperty("/map", _yscale)/2);

reset script

on (release) {

And please can it be made the zooming options zoom at least 6 times?

hope you could help:te:

thanks in adsvanced!!=) =)