Zooming In

wow this forum is active as a mofo… hehh anyhow

how do i make it so you CANT zoom in on the finished product

a search helps :wink:

File/Publish Settings/HTML tab/Uncheck “Display Menu” checkbox.

Then Publish.

oops … :-
thanks lost :slight_smile:

[size=1]note to kax. read carefully you !"·%$% :P[/size]

by the way …

Stage.showMenu = false;

works even if you don’t uncheck display menu :wink:

Oh, I thought that was just for the standalone player.

Thanks Kax.

nope … it works everywhere !! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Yeah I know, I just tested it.

i can’t believe it … you didn’t trust me :-\

I never said I didn’t trust you. I just wanted to prove how much of an idiot I was because I never knew that it worked outside of the standalone player as well :stuck_out_tongue:

oh i see … :stuck_out_tongue:
and you know that you’re not an idiot … sometimes you [size=1]everyone :P[/size] just overlook some stuff :slight_smile:

nah, I am just an idiot (-:

Oh man, I gotta get to bed. Soooo tired. Its 3:45am. Goodnight.

see ya lost =)

have some nice dreams :wink: