I am hoping y’all can tell me how to do a zoom effect without having to enlarge all the stuff on the stage. I have several animations occurring right where I want to begin a steady zoom-in but it would be extremely tedious to enlarge all the animated graphics in the middle of their tweens just to accomplish this effect. Please help
on your movie clips you can do this…
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Then you can add an if statement if you want it to stop scaling at a certain point otherwise it will keep scaling…lol. Something like this…
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._xscale >= 500){
this._xscale = 500);
if (this._yscale >= 500){
this._yscale = 500);
_yscale and _xscale works in %s instead of pixel numbers, so +=5 will be increasing by 5% and 500 would be 500% (or 5 times the original size of the movie).