As some of you may already know, my 8 year old iBook has died. This is very sad news, not just for me but for you too. No longer will you be able to find out about updates to my site, no longer will you be able to give me such nice critiques and encouragement and no longer will I be able to even work on my computer. UNLESS… you donate to me Timmytots - the Modern Day Renaissance Man.
I really want the new 27 inch iMac, which is £1600. Now, my Dad has said he might be able to afford it, but, due to the recession, even this possibility seems unlikely. This is why I am asking for your loving support kirupians.
Unfortunately, I am unable to even place a PayPal donate button on my site, so all I am asking is that each of you tell me how muh you are willing to donate and place your email either in this thread or pm me. Then I can send a PayPal money request to you and you can make the donation.
I’m really at a loss wthout a computer. You all know how much I love designing and love coming onto this forum. So please, this Christmas, do something special - donate to Timmytots!