Joining date mismatch

From the old forum my joining date is April 27th, 2009 but here it is showing as Oct 16, '14. Is it possible to correct this?

I’m seeing 26th:

As just a lowly mod, I don’t seem to have the ability to change join dates, so you might need @kirupa or @krilnon to get to change that for you.

That must be time zone difference. I have contacted @kirupa.

The vB import script that Discourse provided, and that I improved (a bit), did not include functionality for importing join dates. I set them manually for some population. Probably all of the moderators.

ok. Please update mine also.

If we subtract the gap that you weren’t around, would the join date match up to be about what it is now?


I snooped around the mod/admin panel, and there isn’t an easy to update the join date! This might require actually modifying the database entry :ghost:

Updated it:

user = User.where(username: 'kadaj').first
user.created_at = Time.parse('26 Apr 2009 17:31:24 UTC +05:30')!

Yay! Thanks @krilnon.