Past Subscribed Threads

Hey Kirupa, I noticed now when I click back to change the date of what threads are in my UserCP it doesn’t work.

I use the drop down menu to go to 2 days, and it says I have no new threads in 2 days, then I go through all of them and nothing works. So I can only view the new threads that are in there when I go there, nothing else shows.

Any idea what is up with this?

I noticed that as well. :-\

There have been no new posts in the last 2 days to your subscribed threads.

I used to view them in other forums, lost, is that a bug in the new version, oh, and it may be a new feature. Did u try changing the dates in the older version (2.2.6)?

It seems to be a bug in the new version. I used to use the feature all the time here… like every day.

Well, i think am going to ask them now.

Please do post their reply :slight_smile:

They wanted me to post the problem in Member Area Forums, where only owners can post there:

Originally posted by **tubedogg **
*Only moderators can post in the bugs forum. If you have a suspected bug, post it in troubleshooting and it will be moved once verified.

To post in troubleshooting you’ll need to visit this page and enter your username. *

Let us wait for kirupa to post there. :cyclops:


Ok… sounds good :slight_smile: I can wait.

Hey lost,
Sorry, I have been away most of the day (cursed standardized tests). At least, I am finally through with all my SAT/SATII stuff! I’ll post your question up on the forums, add eilsoe’s smilies, and add a new SOTW all tomorrow =)

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, you are one busy guy Kirupa :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Kirupa, one more thing, can u ask them about PM Tracking, it seems it is’nt working right here. :frowning:

Hey lost!
It was a bug in this version. It should be fixed now =)

Kirupa :rambo:

Hey Phil,
That sounds nice, but I don’t know how to do that :frowning: I’ll try to see how that could be done, but I’m not sure I have the techincal know-how to create something like that.

Kirupa :x