._alpha help w/ regaurds to it's functionality with a preloader?

Hi EveryOne,

I’m having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to create the proper Actionscript code that will control the Alpha Transparency of a MC I want as a preloader. I want the MC to start of at 100% alpha-transparency, and then decrease to 0% alpha-transparency when the whole Scene is loaded. Also, it should show the precentage of the Scene loaded. I have the code that I thought would work to control the alpha transparency of the mc and loading it. But, I get confused with the perloader code to incorporate into the alpha transparency code? Does this make sense; is it possible?

In Leaman’s Terms, As the scene loads, the mc goes from invisible to visible at completion of the scene load.

Here is the code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loading = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
total = _parent.getBytesTotal();
percent -= (percent-((loading/total)*100))*.25;
per = int(percent);
percentage = per+"%";
sm_logo._alpha++ = per;
if (sm_logo._alpha<=0); 
} else if {(percent>99)

Now, I have no idea if and where you’d include the poper code to control the mc’s alpha transparency based on the percentage of the scene loaded? Can someome maybe rework the code to make this work. And use a working example, that way I see it working to fully understand the concept? The mc’s instance name is “sm_logo”. Where would I use the instance name in this code, or better yet the proper code alltogether? If someone can help, I’d greatly appreciate it!!!

Thank You,
