I frequently use frame labels in my Flash projects. As I’m always making small changes, adding or removing frames here and there, they make my life much, much easier. The only time I have a problem with them is when I’m trying to determine the current frame of movie clips. For example, in my current project I have a main movie clip that contains the six sections of the site. Each section has its own frame in the movie clip (fra_news, fra_products, fra_tour, etc.). I want to set the site up so that if the user attempts to navigate to the section that he is currently viewing, the transition won’t play and nothing will happen. This seems like a pretty simple task…
if (mc_content._currentframe <> “fra_news”){
do the transition;
However, Flash doesn’t seem to function like this. To solve the problem, I just created a variable that is updated every time the user navigates to a different section. Instead of checking the currentframe against the desired frame, it checks the variable against the desired frame. It works fine, and it isn’t too inconvenient. I’m just curious if there is a way to get around this small problem and use framelabels to compare against the currentframe. Thanks for any responses.