
Alrighty, im loading in movies into a main swf movie.

Now i have to use _parent, but for some reason what i want to do doesnt work…


this works…

_root.myMc.myVar = 5;

this doesnt.

_parent.myMc.myVar = 5;

Now the thing is ,and we all know this, when loaded into a movie, the _root wont work because it’s looking at the _root of the main movie, and not the loaded movie, (thats where _parent comes in) but for some reason i see a limitation to this sytax, anyone care to help me? or am i just crazy?!

Thanks! =)

Well if both the code and the object are on the same timline, you need no _root or _parent.

Did you try removing it all and testing it?

_root will always refer to the base level in which a movie resides, so it depends how you load in your movies.

say you load B.swf into A.swf

if you load like this:


then from B, _root.refers to A because everything is in _level0.

if you load like this:


then from B, _root will refer to B because B is in _level3.

to reference outside the level that a movie resides, you need to use an absolute level reference, ie. _level0.

Very good to know sbeener… very good to know…

:::ponders why I didn’t know that already… then slams head into wall:::