everytime i load an external .swf into main, it just acts different then it supposed to.
the loadMovie line i’m using is
this. worked this same way
_root,_parent didn’t work .
please help?
everytime i load an external .swf into main, it just acts different then it supposed to.
the loadMovie line i’m using is
this. worked this same way
_root,_parent didn’t work .
please help?
Originally posted by aerohaith
everytime i load an external .swf into main, it just acts different then it supposed to.
can you explain different ??
one external .swf (Random Moving circles…tutorails on this site),the circles pop up here & there ,rather than smoothly move to new position.
2nd external swf is the random background
, instead of changing background as curser moves over it, it doesn’t do jack.
so…there must be something i am missing…here…wt is it?
there is no _root._parent
if you load a movie into a movieclip, the _root in that movie is no longer the _root if it was playing alone because now the entire movie is within a movieclip within the real current _root. Saying _root in that loaded movie will access the _root of the main movie since the term _root always accesses the _root of that level. If you loaded it into a level, using _root would be the same if it was playing alone
r u saying that i should load any other swf into levels rather than straight to main movie…if So How?
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