I posted this same problem a few days ago but i never got any feedback …I searched all the forums for a similar problem but found none with a complete answer.
Can someone please give me some insight as to why my functioning slideshow .fla is not functioning when i load the .swf into my main movie. The buttons are not showing up and neither is the mask around the mages. I used this to load the movie
on (release) {
any ideas why this would not be working ? thanks for any help!
i will email the fla to anyone…i wasn’t able to post the swf on here even though it was only 74,011 bytes
It doesn’t work because you are using _root. Targeting is a VERY important thing in AS.
_root is the first timeline in the hierarchy, so when you load that movie into a main movie, the whole timeline structure changes and the first timeline of the main movie will become the _root.