Loadmovie headache. Aye!

i have some script in a movieclip in my main movie that creates an emptymovieclip and uses the loadmovie function to load a swf into it.

on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
_root.pyr.gotoAndPlay ("home");

It works fine for most imported swfs but one in particular doesnt function completely. When you press a certain button with the following script on it

on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
_root.pyr.gotoAndPlay ("home");

it doesnt execute the last line. I figured that this is because the “_root” wouldnt be the same since its actually imported into another movie. I’ve messing around with the absolute path but nothing.


If you load a movie into your main movie all actionscript referring to _root will be targetting the main timeline of your main movie.