Ok I have the common .swf loading up externally into another .swf. The problem is that all the _root stuff is getting screwed up because it is getting itself mixed up. how do I staighten the _root out? With levels? For example I have text that follows the cursor when over a button, but when I go to a scroller in the external movie, then back to the button, it shows the text over the scroller. Please help. I have tried putting _level1_root. but can’t get it. Thanks so much in advance.
When you load an external swf containing _root reference into another swf then the _root references no reference to _root of that container swf.
See if replacing _root with this solves the problem.
If that doesn’t help could you post a fla so I can have a look?
ok so for every _root I have in a external movie I have to put .container after it? Container is the instance name of the empty movie clip I have in the main .swf. Then if the _root is in a movieClip inside the original external .swf, would it be like _root.container.movieClip=. Someone please help.
check out the .flas, you have to put a k where the * is in the URL, it’s a cuse word.
Ok first export the two .swfs. one as alayout and teh other as board. Then open up the alayout .swf, and go to “board”, play with the scroller, then go back to the buttons to the left. After I learn how to fix the problems with that I will be able to fix the problems with teh board. Thanks.
how come no one helps me? :ch:
because you cross posted and it has only been a few hours since your last post…
What is your problem btw?? if it is the scrollbar than there is nothing wrong it is just that there is no text to scroll…
Load the alayout.swf, go to board, play around with the draging piece of the scroller, then go back to the buttons on the left. The text that follows the mouse when over those buttons is now locked onto the scroller. it is confusing I know. Thanks though
originally posted by blah-de-blah:
because you cross posted and it has only been a few hours since your last post…
add to that list: Your link doesn’t work (http://glidefx.org/hitchcoc*/desktop.zip)
ok, first let me also state: please don’t cross post. it’s quite annoying if you try to help someone to find out later that somebody else already answered the question in another thread.
But now that Sen took care of you’re other thread, here’s what I did.
On your main timeline you have
startDrag(this.caption, true);
When debugged your movie notice the _dropTarget property of the caption mc which gets set to the scrollbar. That’s why it sticks to it when going back to the menu.
So I removed this line and instead put this on the caption mc:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_level0_root.gem == 1) {
_level0_root.gem_alpha = 60;
else {
_level0_root.gem_alpha = 0;
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
p.s. Notice I also made a small change to your if-statement.
Seems everything is working fine now.
I said before you had to change the * to a “k” because that word is bad and won’t let me type it or have it in a link. I am terribly sorry for the cross posting business. Thanks for the help though, I will check it out.