<(0.0)> Kitty World!<(o.o)>

come visit Kitty World with how to’s for cat owners! (How to train, check health, etc!) http://www.kittyworld.50megs.com

uhh… link?

http://www.kittyworld.50megs.com :wink:

This does not belong in SotW.

Whahahahahahah Is that a SITE!!!
I am sry but It’s just a TEmplate generated 50 megs site.
You didn’t even remove the standaard foto’s of the foto’s page!

Please try again.
maybe you can get one of www.freetemplate.com edit:<-not link just typed some thing

ROFL. On the bottom, it says “Free Cat Pictures.” Is there costing cat pictures? :stuck_out_tongue:


i’m sorry, but this doesn’t belong here. this is for graphic design and such, not pet care.


even my cat was afraid of ur site! what else can I say:P

this site is very cool :smiley:
(testing the [s] :smiley: )