
*Originally posted by playamarz *
**I think we need to change your square smilie around a tiny bit… Hold on… lemme get my photoshop up :wink: **

Uh Oh… :hangover:

Uh oh was right big boy… lmao

so I noticed.

Nothing personal or anything right bud? :slight_smile:


Cheer up… I’ll erase it if you wnat… It’s all in fun… I know you have a very beautiful girlfriend and you are hooked on her :slight_smile:

Hehe, I am not upset over that… its something else… non-forum related.

girlfriends suck.

Aww mna… I’m sorry… need a hug? or someone to talk to?


hugz… If you ever need to vent or anything… You’ve got my aim name… Just do it… I’m cool with helping a friend bud… :slight_smile:

Oh no… Here comes scary Phil again :sigh:



lmao… ww come on Phil… I think beta needs a special group hug


:*( Thanks Guys :slight_smile:

Alright, I am off to bed now. Goodnight.

Night bro…take it easy

GooNight ! :grin:

Night Lost. :battery:

Goodnight guys, goodnight battery :slight_smile:

Yahoo decided to test my nerves tonight… And it successfully pissed me off…

Was tlaking to the girl that lives aorund here (small date thing)… Forgot to give her my num or get hers and YAHOO started being a ****… I was tlaking to her about going to Wally World and having fun but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


lmao… Night beta :slight_smile: