kirupaforum is frigging HUGE!!!
there is alot of people here. its great. im glad that its getting the traffic that it should be getting.=)
yeah… I think kirupa is going to grow a lot soon…
wtf is that lavaboy! thats hillarious…i wish i had that on MY mirror
oh wait, i don’t have a car
oh well, i wish i had that on my bicycle
oh wait thats broken
oh well i wish i had that on my neck…
neck: check
whew…my neck seems fine…
haha thats a hilarous picture!!!:crazy: =)
yeah, I figured you guys would like it… Especially Phil
Yeah… it’s going to become quite shapeley here in the near future… As long as it stays active… Which I don’t think we’ll have any problems with that
*Originally posted by vts31 *
**kirupaforum is frigging HUGE!!! **
What brought this up?
MY FIRST SPAM! <3… anyone wanna throw a SPAM shower? kinda like a baby shower. har har
I can’t, I am too square :block:
better than a frying pan…
:love: :love: :love: :flower: :love: :love: :love:
Rev: At least you make things hot…
Edwin: You just reminded me… I am a homosexual square :trout:
Darn smileys are out to get me
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Edwin: You just reminded me… I am a homosexual square :trout:**
“We prefer sexually liberal”
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
Edwin: You just reminded me… I am a homosexual square :trout: **
how do you forget such a thing
who made that smiley anways…lol
lost i thunked you had a girlfriend
morse: me do have a girlfriend. shes da bestest.
I think we need to change your square smilie around a tiny bit… Hold on… lemme get my photoshop up
haha, put the square in a closet…
haha, VTS SPAMMING!!! UNTHINKABLE!!! whats the world coming too…
ah great! a meteor is hurtling towards earth and we all will be obliterated…break out the champagne