You guys rock!

I just wanted to say that I think you guys rock over here.

I post to other boards, and while for the most part that are great too, they do not come close to the level of positive/helpful communication you get over here.

I’m glad I found this board. :slight_smile:


I’m glad I found this board.
me too!

thx dude! i too love this board…its has a real community feel to it and now your part of the kirupaville family! now we must wait for Phil to welcome you he is our official welcomer type person, he is the one who stands with the roses and flowers at the airplane :stuck_out_tongue: j/k phil…! :cool:

*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**thx dude! i too love this board…its has a real community feel to it and now your part of the kirupaville family! **

Thanks. :slight_smile: Yeah, that’s one of the things that stood out the most, the community vibe around here.

And yeah Phil, where’s my welcome? It’s not nice to keep a lady waiting! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not phil, but I will still give you a [color=green]welcome[/color]! =)

Whaa? You a lady? :smirk:

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**Whaa? You a lady? :smirk: **

Mmm … I don’t know how to take that? :x Just kidding.

Did I give the impression I was a guy?

And for the most part, yes I am a lady.:evil:

For the most part?? :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Nah you didn’t give the impression of being a guy, just me pressuming things… :smirk:

[SIZE=1]slaps self[/SIZE] learn it dammit! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**For the most part?? :stuck_out_tongue: lol

We all have our moments! :cool:

Transsexual moments? :stuck_out_tongue:

Every mans dream :smirk:

Calm down Eilsoe ::rollseyes::

Welcome to the board York :beam:

“York”… that’s a nice nick… I like that nick =)

Whaddya mean “calm down” Lost? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m calm =)

Sure ya are ya transexual wannabe :evil:

:::hides bra behind back, acts like nothing happened:::

heeheehohohaha oh my… =)

::whips Lost around, steals bra, and runs like hell:::


er… wait, what are you talking about?!

a-HA!! Gotcha baby :evil:


Shut up honey!

Sorry darling :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s OK sweetie :slight_smile:

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