Out of curiosity of my ignorance or the term 1337, I looked it up and found http://www.1337.org.uk. I had to hold my nose as I wadded through this sites uniqueness. But now I am enlightend, I can say things like, k|RuP4 f0RuMz R0cK, and J00 4r3 411 f4Gz (dont mean that one btw ) but by far the most entertaining things I got from this cough website, are the quotes bellow, sorry to any 1337 here no offence ment
The primary goal in 1337 speak is to proclaim your own 133tness, preferably at the expense of everyone else. The best way of doing this is to declare everyone else a homosexual
The key to successful 1337 speak is to think of the wittiest things you can, forget them and insult everyone in a mindless and adolescent manner. Try to imagine you are a 14-year-old illiterate male with no friends or life and a massive **** collection and you will be there. It will take practice but with patience, immaturity and vindictiveness you too will become fluent in 1337 speak.
This method of speaking has also been adopted by European gamers but in an ironical way, which, of course is lost on its inventors who, being American, are genetically blind to this form of humour.
y4Y !