1 problem with custom function

Hi all!

I have this code

var nameArray:Array = new Array("Ηοme", "Lessons", "Manuals", "Bibliografy");
var labelsArray:Array = new Array("start", "lessons", "bio", "contact");
function over() {
function out() {
function createMenu(numBut:Array, labels:Array, fontSize:Number) {
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("menu_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    menu_mc._x = 100;
    menu_mc._y = 200;
    var tfFormatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    tfFormatter.size = fontSize;
    tfFormatter.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    for (var i = 0; i<numBut.length; i++) {
        var button = menu_mc.attachMovie("button", "button"+i, menu_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
        button.but.butText.text = numBut*;
        button._y = i*(button._height+2);
        button.onRollOver = over;
        button.onRollOut = out;
        button.onRelease = function() {
createMenu(nameArray, labelsArray, 12);

Well i have some labels at my timeline and i pass them as an array. The problem is at the onRelease event. It returns undefined. I cant figure out how to solve it…

Thanks in advance.