2 problems with custom function

Hi all!

I ve made a function which creates buttons from an array but i have to problems. First it doesnt align the buttons as i say to do and second only the last button is clickable.

Here is tha code

function createMenu(numBut:Array,butWidth:Number,butHeight:Number) {
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("menu_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    var xPos:Number = 0;
    var yPos:Number = 0;
    var tfFormatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    tfFormatter.bold = true;
    //tfFormatter.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    for (var i = 0; i<numBut.length; i++) {
        var button = menu_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("button"+i, menu_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xPos, _y:yPos});
        var buttonText = button.createTextField("text"+i, button.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 0, butWidth-20, butHeight);
        button.lineStyle(1, 0xffffff, 100);
        button.lineTo(butWidth, 0);
        button.lineTo(butWidth, butHeight);
        button.lineTo(0, butHeight);
        button.lineTo(0, 0);
        buttonText.text = numBut*;
        xPos += button._width+10;
    button.onPress = function() {
    button.onRelease = function() {
var nameArray:Array = new Array("Home", "Lessons", "Bio", "Contact");

Thank you in advance!!