I was thinking this would be a good idea as the previous contest was such a success. My idea would have a bit of a twist though, I was thinking of using one object in the library, like a “k” or the word “Kirupa”.
I could host a SWF with an input text field to input the AS, then upon clicking ‘test’, would use PHP to compile a .as file that would then be included by the testing area. This way even people at work or people who don’t even have flash could participate.
Ok, so i have been playing with some Flash stuff and kinda have somewhat of a web based flash tester up. It doesn’t do anything yet but saves the text typed in to a .AS file on the server, I’ll finish it up tonight.
Anybody have an idea of how i would go about using code highlighting? I would like to have it mark the text up like the actions window in flash or the [ as ] tags here, Kirupa, hook me up on how you did that!
Senocular created the AS tag parser used for tutorials on the site, so you may want to ask him for access to the files. The AS tag parser for the forums comes from here: http://qbnz.com/highlighter/