BIT 101 contest

Hey people,
In case you’re interested, there’s a contest at
You have to produce something cool with less than 25 lines of AS (no drawing, nothing). You can check the site too, some crazy effects there.

pom :asian:


that’s pretty <b> sweeet </b> I didn’t know they posted competitions like that. I was giving it a read through and it said mx actionscripting… I’m wondering if I could get away with 5 actionscripting… (mx doesn’t really suit my tastes).

Thanks for posting that,



I just realized that the actual drawing functions with actionscript are only in mx aren’t they? Darn it… I might have to start playing with mx a little bit…


Well, you can try to make an 100% code-based animation with Flash 5, but I’m not sure you’re gonna much happening on your scene :stuck_out_tongue:

Go for MX, man.

pom :asian:

OK, I’ve done that for the contest. 15 lines of code:
What do you think? Is it cool or not? I can’t tell… Please be frank, and if you have ideas to make this better, you’re more than welcome.

pom :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Pom,
That looks really nice! I am guessing adding colors would make the code be longer than 15 lines? Anyway, I think you have a sure-fire animation that is impressive.

EDIT: Another cool thing; if you want an 1980s like wireframe look, set the quality on the movie to LOW.

Kirupa :asian:

hmm… adding color would be nice, yes. Maybe I should do something like Karen’s footer, like a gradient. I’ll try that =) Thanks! And don’t worry about the lines of code, the max is 25.

pom :asian:

Check that:
I put color and everything.

pom :asian:

Really amazing Pom! I’m fairly certain you are a full-fledged candidate to win the award :slight_smile:

Kirupa :asian:

Thanks :slight_smile: Actually, I checked last month’s swf, and some of them are really mind blowing (but got no votes)…

pom :asian:

yeah, pom, that’s really impressive. you really know how to use mx’s drawing API. are you just recreating those lines, or are you actually controlling them. i’m not really a big fan of mx’s actionscript, but now that i can see what it can do, i might give it a shot. time to open up mx that’s been collecting dust for quite some time now.

power to the french!

Hey thanks Thor. I’m honored you like it :stuck_out_tongue: No, I’m serious.

And yes, I recreate the lines, thanks to a function called curveTo. I still don’t understand how it works exactly (thanks to Macromedia’s dictionary), so I was pretty much shooting in the dark, and got to that without really expecting it :slight_smile:

It kinda kills the myth, hue?

pom :asian:

It’s very stimulating!

body=new Array();
bord=new Array();
mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("rond", k++);
mc.lineStyle(30, 0xffffff, 100);
mc2 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("contour", k++);
mc2.lineStyle(40, 0x000000, 100);
for (z=0;z < 5;z++)	for(i=-2;i < 3;i++)	for (j=-2; j < 3;j++){
	for (var f in bord){

25 lines of code sharp. It’s part of my discovery of 3D/perspective in Flash. I’d be glad to hear if you have ideas to improve either the code or the animation.

pom :asian: