I received feedback on Flash AS 3 related issues on this site in the past so i am back for more knowledge…Any help / suggestions are appreciated.
My client has sent me .swf files that are to be redone … the problem is the original developer did not leave the .fla file so I am using a flash decompiler (SOTHINK)… I’m getting a bunch of funk code…
I am receiving one of several error messages… hope the first error will fix the others…
here is the error message(1):
CustomVideoPlayer.as, Line 196 1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before rightbrace.
here is the action script:
line 194: var _loc_3:* = event.info.code;
line 195: switch(_loc_3 === “NetStream.Buffer.Full” ? (1) : (_loc_3 === “NetStream.Play.Start” ? (2) : (_loc_3 === “NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound” ? (3) : (_loc_3 === “NetStream.Play.Stop” ? (4) : (_loc_3 === “NetStream.Seek.Notify” ? (5) : (Jump to 23)
line 196: }// end try
I have been working on solving this problem all day with no solution… but great suggestions from developers.
I have changed the above statement from a “switch” to a “if” statement … not too familiar with (Jump to …) so I removed it because it just did not look correct … and removed the colons to semi-colons … but I am still receiving the same error message
“Re: 1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before rightbrace.”
I can post or email the project files if that will help.