1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before this

I have fixed the two errors, now is an error 1084: Syntax error: Expecting identifier before this. Is it all is correct please help me study.
I have put up the original files in attachments

package  {     import fl.transitions.*;     import fl.transitions.easing.*;     import flash.display.*;     import flash.events.*;     import flash.utils.*;      public class cathegory_video_player extends application     {         var timer:Timer;         var height_:Number;         var width_:Number;         var path_:Array;         var full_window:Boolean = true;         public var video_player_:video_player;         public var back:MovieClip;         public var lists_:MovieClip;         var dfct_x:Number;         public var filter_:MovieClip;         var dfvp_x:Number;         public var controlls_:controlls;         var dfvp_y:Number;         public static var cathegories:XML = <cathegories/>;         public static var use_languages:Boolean = false;         public static var hide_search:Boolean = false;         public static var single_click_play:Boolean = false;         public static var logo:String;         public static var fullscreen_only_video:Boolean = false;         public static var instance:cathegory_video_player;         public static var selected:item;         public static var default_volume:Number = 100;          public function cathegory_video_player(param1:XML = null, param2:String = "")         {             path_ = ["0", "0"];             addFrameScript(1, frame2, 2, frame3);             if (parent)             {                 init_();             }             else             {                 addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init_);             }             nextFrame();             if (param1)             {                 data = param1;             }             if (param2)             {                 set_language(param2);             }             setSize(super.width, super.height);             var _loc_3:int;             scaleY = 1;             scaleX = _loc_3;             return;         }// end function          public function show(param1:Event = null)         {             new Tween(controlls_, "alpha", None.easeNone, controlls_.alpha, 1, 10);             return;         }// end function          override public function get width() : Number         {             return width_;         }// end function          function frame2()         {             nextFrame();             return;         }// end function          public function onMouseMove_(param1:Event = null)         {             if (fullscreen_only_video && stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN)             {                 show();                 timer.reset();                 timer.start();             }             return;         }// end function          public function hide(param1:Event = null)         {             if (stage.displayState != StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN)             {                 return;             }             new Tween(controlls_, "alpha", None.easeNone, controlls_.alpha, 0, 10);             return;         }// end function          override public function set width(param1:Number) : void         {             width_ = param1;             setSize(width_, height_);             return;         }// end function          function init_(param1:Event = null)         {             removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init_);             instance = this;             setSize(super.width, super.height);             return;         }// end function          public function set path(param1:Array)         {             path_ = param1;             var _loc_2:int;             while (_loc_2 < path_.length)             {                                  path_[_loc_2] = Number(path[_loc_2]);                 _loc_2++;             }             if (lists_.cathegories_.numChildren)             {                 lists_.cathegories_.getChildAt(path[0]).onPress_();                 lists_.cathegories_.getChildAt(path[0]).onRollOver_();             }             return;         }// end function          public function setSize(param1:Number, param2:Number)         {             if (video_player_ && isNaN(dfvp_x))             {                 dfvp_x = video_player_.x;                 dfvp_y = video_player_.y;             }             if (video_player_ && isNaN(dfct_x))             {                 dfct_x = controlls_.x;             }             if (fullscreen_only_video)             {             }             var _loc_3:* = stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;             if (video_player_)             {                 video_player_.logo.visible = !_loc_3;             }             back.visible = !_loc_3;             if (parent["languages_"])             {                 if (!_loc_3)                 {                 }                 parent["languages_"].visible = use_languages;             }             if (parent["cathegory_list_buttons_"])             {                 parent["cathegory_list_buttons_"].visible = !_loc_3;             }             if (lists_)             {                 lists_.visible = !_loc_3;             }             if (filter_)             {                 if (!_loc_3)                 {                 }                 filter_.visible = !hide_search;             }             if (_loc_3)             {                 video_player_.x = -x;                 video_player_.y = -y;                 video_player_.setSize(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);                 controlls_.setSize(stage.stageWidth, controlls_.height);                 controlls_.background.visible = true;                 controlls_.x = 0;                 controlls_.y = stage.stageHeight;                 return;             }             back.width = param1 - 5;             back.height = param2 - 5;             if (!lists_)             {                 return;             }             lists_.x = back.width - 10;             lists_.setSize(lists_.width, back.height - 65);             video_player_.x = dfvp_x;             video_player_.y = dfvp_y;             video_player_.setSize(lists_.x - lists_.width - video_player_.x * 2, lists_.height);             controlls_.background.visible = false;             controlls_.alpha = 100;             controlls_.x = dfct_x;             controlls_.y = Math.round(back.height - 5);             controlls_.setSize(lists_.x - 325 + controlls_.screenMd.x - controlls_.volume_.x, controlls_.height);             controlls_.play_big.x = (lists_.x - 325) / 2;             filter_.y = controlls_.y - filter_.height - 5;             filter_.x = controlls_.x + controlls_.width + 10;             return;         }// end function          public function set data(param1:XML)         {             cathegories = param1;             if (lists_)             {                 lists_.cathegories_.build_cathegories(cathegories.children());                 lists_.scroller_.scroller_.scroller_.position = 0;             }             return;         }// end function          public function set_language(param1:String)         {             languages.select_language_direct = param1;             return;         }// end function          override public function set height(param1:Number) : void         {             height_ = param1;             setSize(width_, height_);             return;         }// end function          public function get path() : Array         {             return path_;         }// end function          function frame3()         {             var _loc_1:String;          **   _loc_1.this["inited"]();** ***//Report errors in this paragraph***             return;         }// end function          public function inited(param1:Event = null)         {             timer = new Timer(5000, 1);             addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove_);             timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, hide);             controlls.setVolume(default_volume / 100);             filter_.visible = hide_search;             filter_.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, lists_.cathegories_.filter_apply);             if (!use_languages)             {                 filter_.width = filter_.width + 38;             }             setSize(width_, height_);             return;         }// end function          public function get data() : XML         {             return cathegories;         }// end function          override public function get height() : Number         {             return height_;         }// end function      } }