I spoke of this in another thread but haven’t gotten around to putting it out. One of the things that I really feel ActionScript is missing for us developers is DataStructures Java and many other languages are full of them. I decided to begin work on transfering the collections framework from Java to ActionScript. Some warnings these aren’t TRUE implementations of the data structures, this is because ActionScript does not support Pointers and most of these datastructures rely on this, instead I implemented what I believe is a semi-elegant work around for this ,anyway please test and if you have anything you’d like to add to this please let me know or please go ahead and make. I am hoping to distribute this collections framework and everyone who participates in its creation will get full credit. So here is the first iteration very simple… contains
also be warned that these are not implementing the full framework yet… this is because I haven’t begun serious work on the framework. Take Care.
1st Iteration:
- Singly Linked List and Singly Linked List iterator
- Linked List Object.