Pretty much just a collection of data structures. Right now there are implementations for stacks, queues, and trees. I am working on priority queues, graphs, some other trees, and still have other plans.
The idea has been simple. To define all of the collections, and how they relate. This comes in the form of the collection definitions: ICollection, IStack, IQueue, ITree… and others as they come.
I also have been working on implementations of these definitions. The two structures we deal with typically as actionscript developers are Arrays and DisplayObjectContainers, and so I decided to write wrappers for those structures.
You can check out the google project, I’ve been keeping it up to date. It’s still early in development. If anyone is interested in working on a piece, feel free to checkout the source and add to it, then e-mail me whatever pieces you feel should be added.
The original posts are here: