$2.95 for a gallon of regular!

I see alot of bikes more so than cars on the road now


This has to be stopped.

I want a bike so bad. :frowning: My guy doesn’t want me riding one becuase he had bad scary experiences as a kid and thinks they are dangerous. Well, the bikes are dangerous but ignorant motorists are dangerous for bikers. So I am acceding to his wishes. Still, I would love to have one - they are efficient and fun to ride!

What about a Smart car? The new upcoming ones are extremely safe and efficient.

$3.40 regular here in CR, wich sucks, cause the average income is way lower than US and Europe

I would love to get one again too but I’ve had a couple crashes and it scares my wife to death knowing I would be on it 2 and half hours a day. I live 60 miles from my work.

I keep pushing for a motorcycle each week though.

Well normally I bike to work, though extenuating circumstances are preventing that this summer. If it’s too wet and cold to bike (I live in the Pacific NW in the U.S.) then I take the bus. I try to drive very little, because I like to live eco friendly, but now more than ever it seems our culture needs to get away from dependence on oil.

Smart cars seem cool, though I can’t afford to buy anything right now. Actually, if I could afford a new vehicle I’d get a diesel and run biodiesel in it, especially now the weather is warm and you can use B100. :smiley:

Do mopeds get the same mileage benefit? I’m only 6 or 7 miles from work and would consider something smaller and stick to side streets if it also got good mileage. I don’t want one of the dinky ones though, I’d want something that was close to a motorcycle just not as hefty.

Actually, if I could afford a new vehicle I’d get a diesel and run biodiesel in it, especially now the weather is warm and you can use B100. :smiley:

Is that the fuel that is made from corn?

I work with a woman in her 50’s who rides her Harley to work in the summer; I give her credit I would be scared to death:!:

According to this flash map thing Idaho is the place to be at 2.45


Spoke to soon, Missed one looks like Utah at 2.40

I think you are thinking of ethanol. :slight_smile:

Biodiesel can be made from a variety of plants - sunflowers, coffee, what have you. You can also mix it with regular diesel to make different grades. For example B20 is 20% bio and 80% regular diesel. In cold climates the 100% bio gets sluggish and can clog your engine so its recommended to run a mix. Volkswagen will actually still honor your warranty if you use biodiesel, but only B05 right now (only 5% bio, 95% diesel). Still, its an encouraging step in the right direction.

The nice thing about biodiesel is that you don’t have to make ANY modifications to your diesel engine. You just have to replace your oil filter after you run your first tank of bio as the stuff is so clean it will actually clean out the tank and the crud glommed on there from previous diesel use which will clog your filter. This as opposed to running refined kitchen grease (like french fry oil) which requires a separate tank.

I’ve done a lot of research on this. :hr: I almost went with a grease conversion but found out it wasn’t economical unless you are driving long distances. (gary you may want to look into it! :thumb: )

excellent and informative site:

You have educated me; Thanks I am going to look into this; Everyone needs to do there part to save the planet.:smiley:

A scooter would work great for you, as long as you can ride roads that are 35 mph speed limit and under you’d be in good shape. My wife has a Honda Metropolitan she rides around town. Top speed is about 40 mph, but you don’t need a motorcycle license, and she gets around 80-85 mpg.

holy cow that’s excellent! I could deal with that! :smiley:

I thought scooters were not allowed on main roads? Maybe I am thinking of something else

Lunatic you can always get a Segway; they look fun:geek:

There’s probably differences in the law from state to state. You certainly aren’t going to be able to take it on a freeway, but then you’d have to be suicidal to do that anyway.

After I read this I wished I had wings so I could fly!