Driving School!

This sucks, i have to go to driving school, pay $200 bucks. It’s 2 hrs each night from 6:30-8:30, I have things planed for this summer, and i dont feel like missing out, just because i have to go to school!!!. I hate this.!:bad:

6:30-8:30 at night you say? Thanks for that info, I’ll know when to stay off the road. :stuck_out_tongue:

ya, remember to keep your tricycle on the side walk.


Why? because you’re going to run me over with your Power Wheels?


i didnt learn a d@!( thing!

so boring!

*Originally posted by Alex *
**This sucks, i have to go to driving school, pay $200 bucks. It’s 2 hrs each night from 6:30-8:30, I have things planed for this summer, and i dont feel like missing out, just because i have to go to school!!!. I hate this.!:bad: **
well, wouldn’t you think some of those “things” will require transportation? believe me, get your license when you can as early as you can. it’s been four years since i got my permit. i’m going to the DMV (hopefully) this friday to get my license (attempt 3).

I learned a lot from my driving class. Personaly I’d be a lot happier people were all required to take a course before getting their license.

Even if you’re board and feel like you’re learning nothing, remember that if you choose a good insurance agency, you can get something like 15% off your insurance. When you’re under 25 that’s a lot of money to be saving.

i know, but im screwed, i need a $900 break job…

i rather walk. :stuck_out_tongue:

walking is better for you and me.

yep - if your brakes require $900 worth of work … you’d better walk :!:
…Your entire community will thank You

im up to $850 so im almost there

well at least oyu have breaks, i climb off my bike and stick my foot in the tire. wait did i say bike? uh i ment car! yeah my car!

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**well, wouldn’t you think some of those “things” will require transportation? believe me, get your license when you can as early as you can. it’s been four years since i got my permit. i’m going to the DMV (hopefully) this friday to get my license (attempt 3). **

thor, you’re terrible! :stuck_out_tongue:

mmh driving school are utterly boring for the theoritical stuff. Speed limits, priority, trying to change your common sense…
And incredibly hard to meet girls (at least in France) how the hell can you start conversation about cars with a nice respectable girl which wants to go away anyway…

But haargh. Learning is a pain. I’m getting my license in 5 month. Until then people can travel without worrying (although we have the highest car accident injuries)

wish me luck, im goin for my first road test at 1 :frowning:

goes inside and locks the door


good luck m8! don’t worry. driving lessons are reallly fun! :slight_smile:
you’ll love it, trust me :beam:

I’m just glad he’s in a different state. He can’t make it all the way to Southern New York in his driver’s test… can he? :frowning:

my driving school was fun (the driving part was more annoying/boring). We had this little hyperactive cop-lady teaching the class and she told all kinds of stories and when she got excited about one her eyes bugged and she started talking really fast and ranting on about how stupid people were lol, good times, good times.

I was probably just lucky :wink:

Tips for the road test!

  • dont speed! (duh lol but its common to miss that)
  • at a light intersection when turning left, ‘take control of your intersection’ It seems like an agressive approach, but they like that.
  • in curvier roads, brake before a turn and ease off the break durring the turn. You can even exaggerate this a little bit since it shows them you know what you’re doing.
  • use your signal and always double check before changing lanes/turning etc.
  • and lastly but not least, use distraction tactics with stories of your adolescence (keep your eyes on the road though)


“take control of your intersection” lol! sounds like something from a self-help book :wink: