3 in new york :hitman2:
Pretty much, $3 a gallon sounds amazing low
Our petrol is £0.92L so 3.78L to a gallon = 3.78x0.92 = £3.4776 per gallon
Rough £ to $ = 1.7 so £3.48 x 1.7 =[COLOR=Red]** $5.91 per gallon. **[/COLOR]
Good job we have smaller enginged cars. I wouldn’t fancy topping up a 5.4L F series in the UK. My 1.4l Jazz would run for a a few years on $50 of petrol
Haven’t SUVs become popular in the UK? I was watching a program set in England and they were driving a Jeep Cherokee I believe; I didn’t know you had them over there
My sentiments exactly
Ha! We only pay 5,44 per gallon!
Ah yeah things are getting bigger, but generally most cars are under 2.0l i’d presume. A few of the bigger SUVs are running 3L+
SUVs are now know for the car to take your kids to school in… you need a big SUV as a family of 4 “just won’t fit” in a saloon or 5 seater hatchback anymore. I’m not a fan of SUVs, the ones i’ve drove sap the fun out of driving. The UKs roads aren’t the widest, so they’re not best suited either
Well… relatively speaking if your currency was $ it wouldn’t be $5.91 it would average the same amount as in the US.
I just spoke with my friend; She said you can rent SUV’s in Ireland but she wouldn’t because of the expense and the roads ( I am going with her in June can’t wait)
Not really because we pay about $3 per gallon in fuel duty, then a further 17.5% tax on top of that
By the way Usual Suspects is one of my all time favorite movies;)
Glad we get tax free petrol
;( It’s $3.29 for reg.& $3.51 for prem.in So. FLA.
True but… unless I’m mistaken in the UK you guys don’t pay living taxes, and county taxes and all that, like we do in the US… so it’s almost like a balance for it :lol:
Ooh now that hurts!
We pay this tax
Income tax on Earnings
National insurance on Earning
17.5% VAT on anything we buy
Mega stupid tax on petrol, cigarettes and boose.
Council tax to keep our bins empty…probably a lot of other things to. (This is probably similar to your county tax)
Road tax if you own a car/bike
Congestion Charge tax if you want to drive in London (although this isn;t officially a tax, but foreign embassys like to think it is )
Thats all I can think of now. Which is pretty ridiculous really
Probably if you calculated it over 50% of our earnings (maybe more) goes straight to the tax man. I think our tax pays for a few more things though, such as healthcare, universities (well it use to) and stuff, so in the end it probably is pretty even.
We get it tax free cause my dads in the army and we are living overseas in Germany
And you are so darn special huh;)
ah yeah, TV licence
$2.79 here in Spokane, WA, USA. Makes me enjoy riding my motorcycle to work even more. 70 mpg feels really good right now.